Converting/Improving Digital Forms

Using paper forms takes too much time and costs money. The cost of the paper, time spent filling in forms by hand, transporting those forms to the office, and office personnel sorting through all of the paperwork adds up quickly! We take your existing paper forms and convert them to a format that can by accessed from a tablet. If you don’t have all of the forms your business needs, we can assist in creating those as well. Once they are all on the tablet, the process of completing the form and getting them to the appropriate office personnel is quick and effortless.

  • Get an unlimited number of forms for your company

  • weekly list updates (employee names, project names, equipment list…)

Some examples of Forms we have converted:

  • Daily Timesheet

  • Daily Production Reports

  • Safety

    • JSA

    • JSI

    • BBS

    • Excavation Reports

    • Winch Plans

    • Accident/Incident Reports

    • Training Sign-In Sheet

  • Scattersheets

  • Equipment Maintenance Forms

  • Equipment Inspection Report

  • Commercial Vehicle Inspection

  • Service Request

  • ATV/UTV Inspection

Some of the forms will have an option to use drop down lists of prepopulated data. We can keep employee lists, equipment lists, or any other type of lists that you may have updated on a weekly basis. This ensures the user only sees the most recent, relevant information available and doesn’t waste time scrolling through outdated data.


Utilizing the data from digitized forms, we can combine this information with real-time data from your accounting software to create Excel or Power BI based reports that allow you to be more proactive than reactive. No more running reports from your accounting system that don't include the information you need or only gives you a glimpse of outdated data. Once your forms are completed on the tablet, data is stored in a secure, cloud based server. We can then use this data, along with real-time data from your accounting software to create reports that are setup exactly how you need them. Your current accounting software has built in reports but they are outdated and typically do not show all of the information you need on a report, causing you to spend time (and money) creating additional reports to get the info you are looking for. These reports can be Excel based or we can provide interactive, real-time reports using Power BI.

Some examples of Reports we provide:

  • Payroll Summary

  • Job Costing

    • Report setup to show only the metrics you need

    • Track budgeted vs. actual cost for labor, equipment, subcontractors & materials

    • Real-time data constantly updated - fetches data from your accounting software up to 8 times/day

    • Based on a budget you create

  • Production Tracking

    • Data comes from timesheets or production report forms that are submitted daily

    • Weekly updates based on metrics you wish to track

    • Easily see if you're behind or ahead of schedule

    • Know current average production along with the production needed to meet schedule

  • Bid Reports

    • Uses a database with your current bid opportunities

    • Allows users to easily track many different types of metrics, such as: capture rate, opportunities won vs. lost, and opportunities by client

  • Safety Reports

    • Uses the digitized forms we setup for you

    • Typically setup as a dashboard to view the number of safety reports submitted, date submitted, and other relative information to improve your safety program

    • Can also be setup as a bi-weekly email sent to managers & supervisors - That way, managers & supervisors know if employees on each project are submitting reports accurately & timely

  • Overhead Cost Details

    • Report setup to show only metrics you need

    • Track budgeted vs. actual cost for labor, equipment, subcontractors & materials that are not job costed

    • Real-time data constantly updated - fetches data from your accounting software up to 8 times/day

    • Based on a budget you create

  • Company Reports (showing bottom line for Company as a whole)

    • Report setup to show only metrics you need

    • Typical report setup to show information similar to an Income Statement, but in a format that is easily interpreted by all

      1. Revenue, Cost, Job Profit, Overhead Cost, G&A Cost and EBITDA

    • Real-time data constantly updated - fetches data from your accounting software up to 8 times/day

    • Based on budget you create, as well as forecast for revenue, cost and profit

Process Improvement

There is always a better, more efficient way of executing business processes. From project management, project controls, estimating, procurement, payroll, safety, and HR, we can asses your current process and help develop faster, easier solutions to meet your goals. Give us a call today to discuss how we can help you maximize your bottom line!